Security Inks for 2.5 Thermal Ink Cartridges

Innovative Ink Technology has developed Security Inks for the 2.5 Thermal Ink Cartridges.

UV Invisible - Visible with UV light source

IR Readable - Visible with Infared Light source - IR Camera or SmartPhone with IR reader

Security Printing and Brand Protection

Use our inks and make sure your products and documnets can be Authenticated! Pirating and counterfeiting is a major industry problem. And cost the business owners of thier products and intellecttual property billions of dollars. 

Inks are available in Aqueous or Solvent based for printing on Porous and Non Porous material:


Paper - cardboard

plastic - Glasss

Foil - Films


Available in New cartridges and bulk packaging

For more information how we can help: email us